Proceedings are available on the ACL anthology at this link.
April 19, 2021 (CEST time)
9:30–11:00 Session 1 (chair: Alberto Lavelli)
9:30 Introduction (Alberto Lavelli)
9:45 Fast and Effective Biomedical Entity Linking Using a Dual Encoder
Rajarshi Bhowmik, Karl Stratos and Gerard de Melo
10:05 Integrating Higher-Level Semantics into Robust Biomedical Name Representations
Pieter Fivez, Simon Suster and Walter Daelemans
10:25 FuzzyBIO: A Proposal for Fuzzy Representation of Discontinuous Entities
Anne Dirkson, Suzan Verberne and Wessel Kraaij.
10:40 Multilingual Negation Scope Resolution for Clinical Text
Mareike Hartmann and Anders Søgaard
11:00–11:30 Break
11:30–12:30 Keynote (chair: Fabio Rinaldi)
11:30 Invited Talk - Knowledge flows in COVID-19 and the role of NLP
Karin Verspoor, RMIT University (Australia)
Abstract: The need for a global knowledge ecosystem supporting rapid learning from clinical practice has become more apparent than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this talk, I will examine the knowledge ecosystem of COVID-19, and will specifically consider the role of natural language processing in supporting dissemination of information and for informing public health response. I will review some of the key work presented in the NLP for COVID-19 workshops organised at ACL2020 and EMNLP2020, and introduce my team’s work on supporting COVID-19 information finding in the COVID-SEE tool.
12:30–15:00 Break
15:00–16:00 Session 2 (chair: Fabio Rinaldi)
15:00 Classification of mental illnesses on social media using RoBERTa
Ankit Murarka, Balaji Radhakrishnan and Sushma Ravichandran
15:20 Cluster analysis of online mental health discourse using topic-infused deep contextualized representations
Atharva Kulkarni, Amey Hengle, Pradnya Kulkarni and Manisha Marathe
15:40 Topic Modeling for Maternal Health Using Reddit
Shuang Gao, Shivani Pandya, Smisha Agarwal and João Sedoc
16:00–16:15 Break
16:15–17:30 Session 3 (chair: Anne-Lyse Minard)
16:15 Scientific Claim Verification with VerT5erini
Ronak Pradeep, Xueguang Ma, Rodrigo Nogueira and Jimmy Lin
16:35 Understanding Social Support Expressed in a COVID-19 Online Forum
Anietie Andy, Brian Chu, Ramie Fathy, Barrington Bennett, Daniel Stokes and Sharath Chandra Guntuku
16:55 ArCorona: Analyzing Arabic Tweets in the Early Days of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
Hamdy Mubarak and Sabit Hassan
17:10 Leveraging knowledge sources for detecting self-reports of particular health issues on social media
Parsa Bagherzadeh and Sabine Bergler
17:30 Conclusions